Residence Life

Residence Life



Congratulations! You have chosen to live and become a community member in the residential halls at ysb体育. You are about to embark on the most exciting and challenging experiences of your lifetime, 你有一个绝佳的机会来更多地了解自己, other cultures, 和你周围的世界,而住在校园里. 住在校园里, you have the convenience of living near classrooms and the opportunity to participate in student activities and campus programs. So come and experience the difference as you begin your path to academic excellence!

Our Cozy Residence Halls are the Perfect Place to Start Your College Journey

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Student Housing

  • 填妥房屋申请表
  • 完整的医疗表格
  • 提交学生合约、房屋协议书及同意书

Student Resources

Welcome To Campus

住在校园里, you have the convenience of living near classrooms and the opportunity to participate in student activities and campus programs.

Student Housing

用75美元完成住房申请.00英镑申请费不予退还 here.

All new applicates are required to complete the ysb体育 Health Form.  请下载及填写表格 here.

收到住房申请后,将支付75美元.00英镑不可退还押金, 还有一份完整的医疗表格, the Office of Residence Life will mail the Student Housing Contract Agreement Form and Parent Consent Form (for students under the age of 18) for student signature.




 所有的食宿费用都可以找到 here

All residential students enrolled at ysb体育 will be required to have three (3) meals a day meal plan.  During academic breaks, the dining hall is closed and reopened upon students return.


Research in student development indicate that residential living supports student transition to a college or university. Residential living may ease the transition to the DTC environment and provide significant support for the inherent challenges of heightened academic rigor and increased independence in the first year of college. The office of Residence Life provides each student with a Living Learning Guide.


An LLC or Living-Learning Community is an environment afforded to students with similar academic interest to reside together and participate in programs that supports their academic, social, 以及个人成长和发展.

No. While we strongly encourage students to live on campus to experience all that DTC has to offer, 这不是必需的.

The Office of Residence Life is committed to working to meet the housing needs of all students in a nurturing community that values diversity and promotes the dignity of all people. While the Office of Residence Life focuses on creating an inclusive environment where students can live and learn securely regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, 或者性别表达, all students who have concerns in this area are required to contact the Office of Residence Life at (803) 793-5154 or

All residence halls issues are handled by the 学生主任和住宿生活主任 Dr. Hinton,电话:(803)793-5154或

All students will be charges a fee of $50 for replacement of room keys. Students will be required to pay all fees to the business office before receiving a new key. 学生须向宿舍工作人员出示已付款的收据.

Student Resources

  • 埃迪斯托大厅- 803-780-7095
  • 道金斯大厅- 803-780-7094
  • 国王大厅- 803-793-5282

Students are required to follow proper check-out procedures when moving out of a residence hall. 当不遵循以下程序时, 学生可能会被处以最高250美元的住宿罚款.  Any check-out procedure issued by the Office of Residence Life at the end of a semester must also be followed.

  • 准备办理退房手续, the portion of the room for which you are responsible must be cleared and clean.
  • A staff member will compare the condition of the room with a Residence Hall Agreement form that was completed when you moved into the room.
  • 地板需要打扫和拖地.
  • 把垃圾打包放到外面的垃圾箱里
  • Clean and dust all surfaces (shelves, mirrors, desktops, dresser top, etc.
  • Charges will be applied to the account if college staff are required to replace a bed – or other furniture – that was moved out by the student (Furniture should be placed back in its original arrangement).
  • 所有学院颁发的钥匙必须归还给宿舍工作人员 在结帐时 或者换锁和发新钥匙都要收费.
  • 工作人员将检查所有房间的维修更换费用.
  • Over long breaks, 请学生关闭窗户, turn out lights, 拔掉所有电器插头,离开门 closed and locked.

遗弃财物及退房不当: Any student property that is left behind beyond the residency contract dates is subject to being considered abandoned by the student. In cases where students abandon property at the end of the semester (excluding the transition period between Fall to Spring semester), the College may, at its discretion dispose of the property pursuant to the Disposition of Personal Property Landlord and Tenant Act as outlined in SC Code State Statute 27-40-730.

The college will make a reasonably good faith effort to reach out to the student, should property (excluding trash) be left behind beyond the student’s residency to make arrangements for the student to secure any property left behind. The college cannot, under any circumstances provide storage space or assurance of protection for the property. 学生应该放弃在宿舍的财产吗, a notice will be sent to the student and the student will be responsible for any care or removal costs of their property. 如果学生没有回应关于遗弃财产的通知, the college reserves the right to dispose of personal property and may charge the student for any costs associated with abandoned property disposal.


ysb体育居住生活办公室, in support of the College’s mission and vision is committed to developing a safe and supportive living and learning environment, through the implementation of innovative learning programming and academic interventions.
  • 卓越的品质和及时的交货为客户服务.
  • Excellent living conditions, safe, accessible, and functional facilities.
  • Intentional educational programming to positively affect student maturity, retention, engagement, 以及学术上的卓越.
  • A community where students will be developed holistically by embracing the promotion of the value of the human person.
Dr. Samuel Hinton

Dr. Samuel Hinton


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Marcus Terry


Contact Us

电子邮件是首选的沟通方式. 但是,电话和办公室访问是受欢迎的.
O: 803-793-5154
C: 803-378-4674

Office Location

Denmark, SC 29042

In Person Visits

Building 29
Office 111